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Thorn's Bio

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Bio Update: Early 2006 #5 Periodic Player! Woo!
Bio Update 2: Top Ten Again! Late 2006 #7 Greatest Video! Kickass!

Where to start... I wouldn`t have come to TSC if I hadn`t participated in a Sonic CD Time Attack Topic over on GameFAQs. Over the short lifespan of the topic, both SprintGod and mike89 posted, and mike89 suggested to the posters that they should try competing at TSC. I`d seen some of the vids here, and I wasn`t sure that I`d stand a chance. But I decided to try anyway, because I realized that there wasn`t any shame in not beeing in the top five for every game[/moral].

I joined on November 17th, 2005, and looking back at my first post I guess I might`ve looked like a bit of a jerk (and sometimes I still do :P). I hardly even said "hi"; I immediately asked about competing. I think I submitted Sonic CD times first, since it was running in the background on my PC (and they were in the topic, easy copy/paste), and I did okay, so I kept submitting times. Soon after joining I noticed a copy of Chaotix on eBay along with a slightly used 32X and three games. It was dirt cheap, so I bought it. The day after Thanksgiving, it arrived, and I submitted my first Chaotix time on December 1st. I took the championship on the 4th. Wasn`t really that big of a deal, since Chaotix records had been left untouched since who-knows-when, but it was nice to see my name show up in the Champion box on the home page. To "celebrate", I made some low-quality vids of the game and added them to the site. The file sizes are ridiculous, but now everyone gets to see just what Chaotix is.

After that, I wrote down every time that I made. That`s probably the only reason that my ranks are as good as they are; there aren`t many people that submit more than a few times. As of right now (April 10, 2007), I`m competing in every Sonic game that I own.

Hmm... I can`t really think of anything else to say. Heck, I seriously doubt too many people are reading this. If you are... well, why?
Player ID: 797
Hits: 1,320 | Hits This Month: 2 | DB Calls: 18 | Mem Usage: 695.23 KB | Time: 0.02s | Printable

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